Your current website (if applicable)
Who are the decision makers for this project?
How did you find us?
Why you think we'll be a good fit for your business?
What is the brand / business name?
What does your business do? What are your products / services / offering?
What is your approx. budget you plan to invest in your online presence over the next year?
Less than $2000
Between $2000 - $4000
More than $4000
Do you have a deadline for this project?
Do you have your copywriting (text) ready?
No, I'm starting the website from scratch.
Yes, I'm planning to find a copywriter to do this for me.
Yes, I'm planning to use the copy on my current website.
Have you worked with a graphic designer, web designer or web developer before? If so, what was your experience?
Tell me about your ideal client. Who are they? How old are they? What gender are they? Where do they hang out online? What are their interests? Do they have a particular business or work in a certain industry?
Why are they visiting your website? What are their top 3 goals? E.g., Make a booking, buy a product, view your portfolio, find our phone number, learn more about you/your services, check prices, etc.
How will you (the website editor) use the website? E.g., Will you need to add new events, add new blog posts, add new products or put them on sale?
What are your brand / business goals for the website?
How do you want people to feel when they interact with your brand? E.g., Safe and secure, edgy and excited, exclusive and cool, like they belong, informed, confident, etc.
Do your competitors have websites or marketing materials? If so, Iist them here so we can make sure yours is better.
Tell us about your competitors. Who else is competing for the attention of your ideal clients and what are they doing that you think is working?
What are 3 websites you like (ideally from different industries)? What do you love about and what turns you off?
What pages would you like on your site? E.g., Home, about, shop, projects, blog, etc. This is just to give me an idea, we can change this later.
What are the current challenges you're facing? What isn't your website / branding / online presence doing that you'd like it to do?
What are the current challenges you're facing? What isn't your website / branding / online presence doing that you'd like it to do?
Is there anything you're concerned about or would like to discuss?